Register your files from SONG!
The Copyright area goes through
a moment of great transformation, especially due to the new technologies and habits established by society in the era of information technology and the digital world.
Seeking to fit in
to this trend, we offer the registration
copyright on Ethereum Blockchain.
protect the
sua ART!
Register your
Plot, audios and arts of GAMES!
what else can you
Get the copyright certificate for your books and e-books.
Create and develop your patent with end-to-end encryption.
Trade Secrets
Develop secret projects. We offer a confidentiality agreement to ensure greater security when additional participants are involved.
Computer program
Protect your system's source code, facilitating licensing and investments. The registration also guarantees greater legal certainty to its holder, in case there is a legal demand to prove the authorship or ownership of the program.
Between others
Between others
Only the patent holder can sell the product or apply the process that has been patented, as well as assign it in a onerous way or not, permanently or temporarily, the right to exploit their intellectual property.
Exclusive Rights
Sale or Licensing
What types of
Patent of Invention
Valid for 15 yearsfrom the date of application.
Utility Model Patent
Valid for 20 years from the date of application.
At the end of its term, the patent registration falls into the public domain and can be used by anyone.